Annual Ward 2 Budget Forum

Each year, the Council of the District of Columbia, in conjunction with the Mayor and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, passes into law the Local Budget Act and the Budget Support Act. Together, these measures provide a financial framework through which the District government – and all of its various agencies, commissions, and boards – will operate over a five-year period. As we prepare our budget asks and continue to advocate for the needs and priorities of our community, Councilmember Pinto invites the Ward 2 community to attend her office’s fourth annual Ward 2 Community Budget Meeting.

The format for this meeting will allow residents an opportunity to sign up to testify – similar to a Council hearing – in order to allow as many neighbors as possible to be heard. Each witness will have 2 minutes to share their thoughts. Comments shared during the meeting will help to inform Councilmember Pinto's budget priority letter, which she will send to the Mayor.

If you wish to attend, please fill out this survey and a zoom link will be sent before the meeting.

Please send written comments to and make the subject line "Budget Priorities".

Event Date:
January 13, 2025
Start Time:
7:00 pm
End Time:
9:00 pm
Please fill out form linked above to receive link.
Maddy White
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