Councilmember Pinto introduces her "Peace DC" plan to continue to drive down crime and promote sustainable peace in the District

Posted by
S. Manning
March 24, 2025


March 24, 2025

Contact: Samantha Manning, Communications Director


Washington, DC – Today, Councilmember Brooke Pinto, Chairwoman of the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, introduced a comprehensive plan to continue to drive down crime and promote sustainable peace in the District. Her Peace DC plan builds on the significant progress in crime reduction following last year’s passage and implementation of Councilmember Pinto’s Secure DC omnibus package.  

Peace DC takes critical steps to (1) empower youth and strengthen neighborhood harmony by setting up young people for success and improving guardrails for deferred prosecutions, (2) prevent violence by merging the District's violence interruption programs and improving training, oversight, and coordination, (3) support our public safety workforce by creating new retention measures for police and firefighters, and (4) reduce recidivism by creating pathways for formerly incarcerated people to reenter communities with stable housing and gainful employment.

“By working together, we made tremendous progress in making the District safer after Secure DC went in effect last year, and we must build on that progress with focused interventions to promote sustainable peace in the District,” said Councilmember Pinto. “Peace DC will strengthen our violence prevention efforts, help set up youth and formerly incarcerated people for success and enhance support for our crucial public safety workforce.”

Councilmember Pinto’s Peace DC plan includes:

To improve public safety, Councilmember Pinto’s Peace DC plan will:

Empower Youth & Strengthen Neighborhood Harmony by:

“One of PAVE families’ top concerns is making sure our students travel to and from school safely and we are proud to see Councilmember Pinto’s bill, The Safe Passage Training and School Engagement Amendment Act of 2025, that reflects PAVE Parent Leaders’ priorities.This bill will enhance coordination and will equip our Safe Passage Ambassadors with the skills and training they need to better support our kids. We want to see every child have the resources they need to succeed in school and continuously improving on our Safe Passage Program through this legislation is a critical investment in their education and in their future,” said Maya Martin Cadogan, Founder and Executive Director for PAVE (Parents Amplifying Voices in Education).

Prevent Violence by:

“DC must be a place where all residents and visitors can live, work, and play in peace” said Councilmember Pinto. “My Peace DC plan will keep us moving in the right direction to promote sustained peace and prosperity across the District.”

Support Public Safety Workforce by:

"Councilmember Pinto’s DROP bill will help recruit people to careers in public safety, retain experienced employees, and provide predictive attrition all while remaining cost-neutral for the District,” said David Hoagland, President of Local IAFF Local 36.

Reduce Recidivism by:

“Housing insecurity remains one of the greatest barriers to successful reentry for residents who return home to the District from prison each year. When returning citizens have safe housing, they are more likely to secure employment and help their families and communities thrive. Project Homecoming and the HIRE Act in Councilmember Pinto’s Peace DC Plan are critical steps in ensuring returning citizens have access to supportive and structured housing. We support the swift passage of these bills to help returning citizens thrive in our communities,” said DC Reentry Action Network (RAN) Co-Chairs Paula Thompson and Chiquisha Robinson.

“Increasing employment opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals will bolster our workforce and help District businesses attract new talent.  The HIRE Act recognizes that returning citizens face disproportionate unemployment rates because of hiring barriers, and the economic impact hurts us all in lost wages. We support this proposal and Councilmember Pinto’s plan to offer employers who hire our returning residents a significant tax credit,” said Chinyere Hubbard, President and CEO of DC Chamber of Commerce.

Below is a summary of the co-introductions of bills.  

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