Reflecting on 2022

Posted by
G. Hulick
January 5, 2023

Dear Neighbor,  

As we begin 2023, we can reflect on the past year, celebrate all we have accomplished together, and look forward to the work to come in the new year. At the beginning of 2022, we grappled with a phase of COVID that met us with great uncertainty. During the summer, our kids became eligible for the vaccine and our COVID Centers throughout the city have made vaccinations, boosters, and flu shots accessible to all residents. Our schools remained open, visitors returned to the nation’s capital, festivals and conventions gathered us together to celebrate, stadiums roared with fans once again, and our restaurants and small businesses embarked on the path of recovery.

We have made great strides and I know that together we can continue to work to support our workers, families, and businesses. We have seen far too much crime in our city this year and I will continue working every day to improve the quality of life and safety for all District residents.

During my tenure, I have advanced legislative ideas for affordable housing, downtown recovery, women’s rights and equity, increasing voting rights, safer streets, environmental protections, supports for our neighbors experiencing homelessness, reducing gun violence, and supporting our hospitality and tourism industries, among others. In this newsletter, I will share about some of the progress we’ve made on these pressing issues.  

I am excited by the promise that 2023 holds and the progress we will continue to make on the issues that matter most our communities. I am enthusiastic to report that I will be serving as the Chairwoman of the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. I am looking forward to this opportunity to improve public safety, government accountability, emergency preparedness, and serve residents and businesses in all eight wards.  My experience and training, including by the Levin Center for Oversight and Democracy, have prepared me well for this responsibility and my team and I look forward to the important work that lies ahead. You can see my statement on this assignment here.

Serving as your Ward 2 Councilmember is my greatest privilege. I continue to be inspired by your dedication and commitment to our communities and I am grateful for your engagement with me and my office. I also want to thank my hardworking team and the tens of thousands of DC government workers who strive every day to serve our residents. This coming year, my devotion to the work of making our communities stronger remains steadfast. I know together the work of strengthening this great city is possible.  

Yours in Service,  



Councilmember Pinto and her team have maintained direct community outreach and engagement as their top priority. During our second year, Team Pinto expanded opportunities for Ward 2 neighbors and residents to stay connected and share their ideas and concerns. Some of the public events we hosted this year included:


All people in the District deserve to be and feel safe, which is why public safety continues to be Councilmember Pinto’s top priority. Throughout the last year, Councilmember Pinto has worked with government agencies, community organizations, residents, and colleagues to better understand challenges on the ground, as well as creative, whole-of-government approaches to improve public safety.  


Our downtown core is key to our city’s resiliency and recovery from the pandemic. Councilmember Pinto continues to work with the stakeholders including the Downtown BID, Golden Triangle BID and the executive to establish supports and incentives to revitalize downtown, welcome back workers, encourage visitors, and build housing.  Councilmember Pinto also continued her work with small businesses to streamline regulations and ensure DC is the best place to do business.  


Councilmember Pinto meets regularly with senior neighbors to ensure our seniors receive the resources and support they need and deserve to thrive in our communities.  

Our LGBTQQIA+ friends, family, coworkers and neighbors are an integral part of our city.  


Councilmember Pinto has supported our families and teachers during the transition back to in person learning knowing the best place for students to learn is in the classroom. Students now have greater access to menstrual products in schools because of the passage of Councilmember Pinto’s legislation. Ensuring our kids read on grade level is a critical part of student success in the classroom and beyond and Councilmember Pinto continues to champion this cause. Councilmember Pinto has also continued her commitment to ensure Duke Ellington teachers are paid fairly and also ensure kids are safe in school and traveling to and from school.


Increasing affordable housing and moving neighbors experiencing homelessness continues to be an important part of Councilmember Pinto’s work. Councilmember Pinto worked with executive, advocates, developers and agency contractors on this important work.  


Making our streets and sidewalks safe for pedestrians, bikers, and drivers continues to be an important part of Councilmember Pinto’s policy and constituent services work.


Councilmember Pinto expresses her sincere gratitude to the Ward 2 ANC Redistricting Taskforce for championing a robust, transparent, and inclusive redistricting effort. Chaired and spearheaded by the inspirational leadership of Austin Naughton, the Ward 2 Taskforce included the following dedicated neighbors:

The Taskforce volunteered hundreds of hours engaging in public meetings, interviewing neighbors and businesses, and drawing and re-drawing maps to ensure this once-in-a-decade redistricting process honored both codified requirements and community interests. Thanks to Councilmember Pinto’s hard-fought efforts and a plethora of public testimony, the Shaw neighborhood was reunified into Ward 2 and joins as the newest ANC to the Ward, ANC 2G.  

Ward 2 is now home to seven ANCs, and Team Pinto looks forward to engaging with and serving all neighbors old and new in another productive year ahead.

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